Oraletta's Adventure

Being a member of the Family of God, which is both local and global; I would like to share specific issues about the adventure The Lord and I are on dealing with lung cancer. I want to do this so that those who are praying for me will be better informed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brief Update

Hello Everyone,
On July 11 I had fluid drawn from the chest cavity on the right side at the lung. This time it was a little harder than the first two times. I thought I would have a permanent tube put in at the site however, my doctor took out 1200 cc of fluid. My breathing is just beginning to get better.

My doctor wants to give the Tarceva medication a chance to work. I've only been taking it since June 6th. So we will give it another month. SO PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY THAT THE TARCEVA WILL SOON START KILLING THOSE CANCER CELLS AT THE LUNGS, AND THAT THE FLUID WILL DRY UP.

Loving each of you with the LOVE OF JESUS.
Ps. 121: 1-2
