Oraletta's Adventure

Being a member of the Family of God, which is both local and global; I would like to share specific issues about the adventure The Lord and I are on dealing with lung cancer. I want to do this so that those who are praying for me will be better informed.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Frequent Coughing

Hello Dear Ones,
Since Sept.23 (Sat.) I've had a "very nagging consistent dry cough". Roosevelt almost always knows where I am because he hears me coughing. The cough is non-productive. My doctor had me go to the Cleve. Clinic yesterday (9/28,Thurs.)for a chest x-ray and to have blood drawn. He was going to admit me to the hospital over the weekend, however the chest x-ray came back and did not show any pneumonia, and my white blood count is up to 10,000 (this is a good report). I am showing some mild anemia, so he wants me to take 3 iron tablets a day on an empty stomach (which I started yesterday). "I JUST PRAISE & THANK THE LORD THAT I COULD STAY HOME, AND NOT BE ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL".
The strange thing about this cough is that it does not keep me awake at night. For this I am more than grateful (and so is Roosevelt).
I will be seeing my doctors again on Tues. Maybe we will have to look into this coughing a little further.
Well dear ones my prayer request is that the doctors will get to the bottom of this matter with the coughing, and that "EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY FOR MY NEXT CHEMO TREATMENT ON OCT.6TH.(FRI.).

I will keep you posted later in the week.

Loving each of you with the Love of the Lord Jesus,
(Isa.43:1-3; Dt.33:12)


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