Oraletta's Adventure

Being a member of the Family of God, which is both local and global; I would like to share specific issues about the adventure The Lord and I are on dealing with lung cancer. I want to do this so that those who are praying for me will be better informed.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pet Scan/ CT Scan ( whole body scan)

Hello Everyone,
Not much has been going on with me lately, and I suppose that is good. However, Sept. seems to have quiet a bit of action coming up. Today I had a Pet Scan & Ct Scan of the whole body. This will show the doctors the outcome of the cancer after the treatments I have finished.
Would you join me in praying that there is no cancer left. However we will just have to wait and see. I don't know how long I will have to wait, but I will "have peace and wait".

It was interesting today how they put you in that "dark tunnel machine" ( I was in for about 17 to 20 minutes). The room was "ice cold" ( the kind techician gave me blankets), then they put a pillow on top of your head, and have you rest your hands above your head on the pillow. Then they give you several instruction " all of which means to RELAX", and do what you are told. They give you instructions on breathing via microphone into this tunnel. Then they insert medicine into the IV that they started prior to putting you in this tunnel, and I even had to drink two bottles of "white paste like drinks"prior to getting in the machine.
Well to make a long story short. I STARTED TO GO TO SLEEP AND SCARE THEM TO DEATH, BUT I THOUGH MAYBE NOT. So I just prayed my favorite verses Isa. 43: 1-3.
Then I came home and I looked up "darkness". I like this verse a lot and wish I had it on my mind when I was in the tunnel "Jn. 12 46: I have come into the world as a light, so that no-one who believes in me should stay in darkness". Of course we know that means spiritual darkness, however: for those that might have to have this procedure done, just remember:
YOU KNOW IT WILL NOT LAST LONG. HANG IN THERE FOR THE TIME WILL SOON BE OVER, AND THE TEST WILL BE FINISHED. You won't be in that dark tunnel for long. It also helps if you close your eyes.

I will see my doctors on Sept. 13th. and of course have some blood drawn, and then I will start my first of three more chemo treatments on Sept. 15th. The treatments will each be three weeks apart. It will depend on my physical condition how soon I will update you on the treatment.

Love In Christ,



  • At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We haven't been back to Parkside for a year and have been so out of touch with everyone. We visited today and asked about you. Carole sent us to this site. Of course, we will be praying hard and often this week. Please know we adore you. Your faith and love of Christ is such an encouragement to everyone.
    God bless you Oraletta!


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