Oraletta's Adventure

Being a member of the Family of God, which is both local and global; I would like to share specific issues about the adventure The Lord and I are on dealing with lung cancer. I want to do this so that those who are praying for me will be better informed.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006




I realize I was the ONLY patient at Cleveland Clinic today that was getting the actual treatment, BUT "OH DEAR PRECIOUS LORD" , YOU WERE THERE FIRST OF ALL, AND YOU HAD A HOST OF YOUR SAINTS IN THE "PRAYER RANKS" , PRAYING LIKE REAL WARRIORS.

HOW DO I KNOW? BECAUSE IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS I HAD IN A LONG TIME. I HAD RADIATION FIRST ( things were a little shakey, because of another dear patient in much trouble), so what do we do in situations like this? We pray for the other patient. Boy you Guys are good!!!!!!!!!!!(

Then I went to chemo once my radiation was over ( all the time accompanied by my lovely daughter, Yvonne). They put me in a Big Blue leather recliner. Started the IV's (which went on for hours, the chemo was included). My daughter got me a wonderful lunch, I ate and then sent her home (she was relunctant to go). My son-in-law took over when he got off at 3:30pm, he works at the clinic.

Once I ate lunch, you probably know what I did. You got it! I relaxed in that big chair with a nice blanket and I slept for hours. I was never neauseated, never any pain, JUST RELAXED.

Michael & Calvin ( youngest grandson that we picked up), brought me home and we had a wonderful "SPAGHETTI DINNER" together ( wish you all could have joined us).

I will not have chemo again until July 5th. However, I will be taking "CHEMO PILLS" at home. Pray that the medicine I have will control the neausea as good.
I will be having radiation five days a week, from Mon.-Fri. I will not e-mail everyday, and I will start calling for HELP as we need it.


Oraletta (for us both) ISA. 43:1-3a


  • At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bob, Please forward this to Oraletta. Thanks, Mark Samsonas

    Dear Sister Oraletta, First, you are on my prayer list. Second, we have a friend who just completed her chemo and radiation treatments for throat cancer. God has blessed her richly and so far she is cancer free. During her ordeal she had a difficult time swallowing her Boost. The only way she could get it down was to drink it with a filtered and a high PH (alkaline)water that is produced by a countertop Jupiter Water Filter device that you can get on the internet for about $650.00. She could not swallow city water as her throat was too sensitive to the chlorine and flouride and whatever else they put in the city water. Prayerfully your throat will not become as severely burned as hers was but nevertheless it might still be a great idea to drink this water. She just went back to the Clinic last week for blood tests and her doctor was amazed that her blood was so alkaline (rather than acidic) A 92 year old doctor told me, just before he retired, that "Cancer can not grow in an alkaline body--------it simply can not." Here is the internet site where you can purchase the water filter: www.jupiterionizers.com. May God bless you and Rosey as well. Sincerely, Mark and Karen Samsonas

  • At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Praying for you daily dear friend. We trust that the Lord was in control of every detail of your 1st chemo, and in the daily doses as well. You honor Him greatly with your heart, soul and mind. Be assured of our love and prayers for you and Roosevelt. Heidi and Mike

  • At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Oraletta,

    I hope you remember me, Nikkol Harper. I will be praying for you as you walk with the Lord through this valley. It is encouraging to read how He is strengthening you through this. Know that prayers are being lifted up for you in Texas.

    May His peace and comfort remain yours,


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